Rigo Concept (formally known as Schroth Method)

What is The Rigo Concept?
The Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS) Rigo Concept is a leading, international conservative treatment for scoliosis based on the Schroth Method. Rigo Concept focuses on teaching three-dimensional spine stabilization exercises specific for different curve types of scoliosis and kyphosis to patients and their families
These exercises aim to decrease the risk of curve progression, improve postural awareness, reduce pain, increase strength, and improve breathing and body mechanics
Rigo Concept is one element of the team approach to care with the pediatrician, orthopedist/orthopedic surgeon, orthotist and family
Rigo Concept falls under the category of Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises (PSSE), which is an evidence-based intervention to manage scoliosis
Boston Ability Center Physical therapists are trained in the Rigo Concept by BSPTS to use exercises based on the Schroth method to treat children/adolescents who have Idiopathic Scoliosis, kyphosis, and other spinal disorders.
Is my child appropriate for the Rigo Concept based on Schroth at the Boston Ability Center?
The Rigo Concept is indicated for those who have Juvenile and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, Juvenile Kyphosis, and Flatback Syndrome
At the BAC, Rigo Concept is used prior to and during brace-wearing stages, as well as pre- and post-surgically for anyone under the age of 20
What will Rigo Concept sessions look like?
We offer free screenings if you or your doctor have concerns about scoliosis
Evaluations are completed by a physical therapist and take 1 hour to discuss your child’s medical history, complete an evaluation of your child’s spine, and discuss findings and plan of care
Sessions are 45 mins and occur 1-3 times per week, depending on severity and child’s age
The evaluation and sessions are designed to teach you and your child Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises (PSSE), problem solve certain barriers, work on posture and body mechanics, and discuss your child’s and your family’s goals for treatment
What is my role as a parent?
It will be important to help your child keep on track with completing his or her individually designed home exercise program
Remind your child of proper sitting posture at school and while doing homework, sleeping positions, carrying his or her backpack, and modifying some exercises in gym class, sports, and certain daily activities
Emphasize the importance of following a bracing and exercise schedule consistently through your child’s growing years
What should my child wear or bring?
Please wear comfortable clothes and layers
For males, please wear a tighter fitting shirt or, if you are comfortable, it is preferred to exercise without a shirt for easy visibility of the spine
For females, please wear a bathing suit or sports bra with parallel straps for easy visibility of the spine. Specifically for the evaluation, please avoid wearing racerback or “Y” back shirts or sports bras.
What will my child have to do at home?
At your child’s evaluation and sessions, we will come up with an individual home exercise plan. Home exercise will be recommended 3-6 days per week for 20-30 minutes each day
What equipment will my child need?
You will need a few items at home so your child can complete his or her home exercise program. These will be discussed at your evaluation and sessions. Many items can be used that likely are already in your home
Other information:
For your child’s evaluation and re-evaluations, photographs will be taken in order to classify your child’s scoliosis and monitor progress. These photographs are for use ONLY by the physical therapist and family. If needed, photographs can be shared with your child’s medical team with your permission (pediatrician, orthopedist/orthopedic surgeon, and orthotist)
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please call or email our front desk staff at 781-239-0100 or frontdesk@bostonabilitycenter.com to schedule a free screening or evaluation