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Boston Ability Center

Neurodiversity Affirming Books for Kids

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What is Neurodiversity?

Just like BIOdiversity explains the variety of plant & animal life on Earth, NEUROdiversity refers to the natural and valuable variety of human minds. In the same way that people have different eye colors, people's brains and nervous systems are different! We all learn, think, and process information in different ways, which affects how we experience the world.

Each person’s unique brain wiring comes with its own set of strengths. Instead of seeing differences as problems to be fixed, we seek to understand and appreciate these differences. We don't seek to eliminate or "cure" diversity. We celebrate it!

Neurodiversity is about embracing a person's unique ways of thinking, doing, and being. It's about challenging stereotypes, reducing stigmas, and promoting a more nuanced understanding of diagnoses like ADHD and autism. It's about valuing perspectives and highlighting individuality.

Here is a list of neurodiversity affirming books for kids. You can find even more book recommendations for children and adults by visiting the Boston Ability Center's Amazon storefront. Bookmark this list and check back frequently for updates!

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Neurodiversity Affirming Books for Kids:

Wonderfully Wired Brains by Louise Gooding

Why Johnny Doesn't Flap by Clay Morton & Gail Morton

Too Sticky! by Jen Malia

Too Much!: An Overwhelming Day by Jolene Gutiérrez

My Brain is Magic by Prasha Sooful

I Am a Masterpiece! by Mia Armstrong

Abdul's Story by Jamila Thompkins-Bigelow

Bitsy Bat by Kaz Windness

Remarkable Remy by Melanie Heyworth

We Move Together by Kelly Fritsch

Just Right for You by Melanie Heyworth

Sensory Seeking Sebastian by Christia DeShields

Come Meet Drayden by Dana Young-Askew

My Autistic Mama by Kati Hirschy

Do You Want to Play? by Daniel Share-Strom

Come On, Calm! by Kelsey Brown

Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty

Don't Hug Doug by Carrie Finison

My Wandering Dreaming Mind by Merriam Sarcia Saunders

This Kid Can Hyperfocus by Patty DeDurr

Red: A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall

Juan Has the Jitters by Aneta Cruz

A Friend for Henry by Jenn Bailey

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