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Amazing Moms: Meet Sabrina!

Boston Ability Center

This week in celebration of Mother's Day, the BAC is honoring amazing moms from our community. Today, meet Sabrina, founder of Moms of Amazing Kids!

Tell us a little bit about yourself! (We know being a mom is just one of your many roles! Any jobs, hobbies, interests, etc. that you would like to share?) 

When I was a little girl, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always “a mommy.” 5 years ago, I “grew up” when my daughter Marissa was born, and life was never the same!

I relish my life as a mom, but also work hard to maintain some balance as a woman, wife, and friend. My husband Mark and I work hard to keep up with our date nights (date breakfast or afternoon coffee are just as good!), and I love meeting up with friends for coffee or dinner, dancing, singing (not publicly!), binge watching Netflix, and I just started running again.

My other baby, my passion project, was born three years ago. I founded Moms of Amazing Kids, a group for moms in Massachusetts raising children with medical, developmental, and other special needs, in 2016.

MAK is community group that focuses on connecting moms for support, resources, and balance. We are more than just an online Facebook group though, we are a family. When you’re navigating unknown waters, searching high and low for resources, and feeling like you just don’t fit it amongst the endless mommy groups, MAK always has your back. In addition to facilitating our Facebook group, I also organize events for our moms and families. From coffee meet ups to wine tastings, there is something for all our moms. We also have great play dates for our kids! No doubt about it, Boston Ability Center is a MAK kid fav! Two years ago, I started a subgroup called Together We Play. TWP is an inclusive playgroup that encourages kindness and acceptance of all.

These groups are my creative outlet and hey have also given me great fulfillment by helping others.

What is the best thing about being a mom?

Seeing the excitement and pride on her face when she learns something new. Hearing her belly laugh and seeing her smile. Catching her in my arms as she runs in for a gigantic hug as it almost knocks me over. Having her doze off in my arms and watching her peacefully sleep. The cuddles. Cuddles will never get old. Ever. I love the bond I have with my daughter. We don’t need words.

I’d also have to say the lessons. Marissa has taught me so much about life. She’s made me slow down, appreciate the small but important things, and value the good in people. Sometimes people look at me like I’m crazy when I say this, but I honestly feel so lucky. It’s so hard, but I’m so lucky.

What is your biggest wish for your children?

First and foremost, I wish for my daughter to always be surrounded by love – to love and be loved. I wish for her to find joy in every day. If she’s happy, I’m good. I also hope she does all the things she wants to do in life, and that no one ever underestimates her willingness to do it.

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